Oji Group

Sustainability Report

Since its foundation in 1873, the Oji Group has achieved continuous growth through the expansion of its business fields over the past 150 years. Our management philosophy is based on the “Creation of Innovative Value,” “Contribution to the Future and the World,” and “Harmony with Nature and Society.” We are working to ensure that our businesses contribute to a sustainable society, through the global expansion of our sustainable business model: “resource circulation throughout the value chain.”

What's New

Corporate Governance Structures

Policy on Determination of Director Compensation and Total Compensation Amount

Policy on Determination of Director Compensation and Total Compensation Amo...

Corporate Governance Structures

Status of Activities by and Reason for Appointment of Independent Outside Officers

Independent Outside Directors and Independent Outside Audit & Superviso...

Risk Management

Risk Management

Risk Management The Oji Group’s BCP

Evaluation from Society
Evaluation from Society

Evaluation from Society

FTSE Blossom Japan Index In June 2023, Oji was selected for FT...

Respect for Human Rights

Human Rights Policy

The Oji Group complies with the Oji Group Human Rights Policy and promot...

External Initiatives

Reduction of Environmental Burden

TCFD The Oji Group announced its support for the Task Force on Cl...

Management Structure

Management Structure

Oji Group Safety and Health Management Rules Oji Group Safety and Hea...

Circular Use of Resources (Water)

Effective Resource Utilization (Water Resources)

Effective Utilization of Water Resources and Water Risk In...

Environmental Vision 2050

Environmental Vision 2050

In September 2020, we established the “Environment Action Program 2030” w...

2023年度 維持管理記録
[Topic 2] Sustainable Forest Resources
[Topic 2] Sustainable Forest Resources

[Topic 1] Sustainable Forest Resources

Initiatives for Sustainable Forest Management Since the 1910s, the...

Training Programs

Training Programs

Safety and Health Training Programs The Safety Administration Departm...

Social Contributions
Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

The Oji Group believes it is important to coexist with diverse communitie...

Environment Management Structures (Sustainability Committee)

Sustainability Committee

Risk Assessment of New Businesses The Oji Group screens investme...

Reduction of Environmental Burden

Reduction of Environmental Burden

Wastewater Purification Exhaust Gases Pur...

Social Contributions
Community Development Programs

Community Development Programs

An initiative by Pan Pac Forest Products (New Zealand) continues ...

Corporate Governance Structures

Policy and Process for Nomination of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Policy and Process for Nomination of Directors and Audit & Supervisory ...

Oji Group Tax Policy

Oji Group Tax Policy

Drawing on the fundamental values and the behavior principles that the O...

Overseas Forest Plantations

Overseas Forest Plantations

The Oji Group operates forest plantations in ten ar...

Social Contributions
Recycling Disposable Chopsticks

Mechanism of disposable chopstick recycling

Cherishing the Spirit of MOTTAINAI -- Used Disposable Chopsticks are Utili...

ESG Data
ESG Data

ESG Data

Environment Social Governance Environment 1. Environ...


Social Contributions
Education and Healthcare

Community-Based Forest Plantation Activities

Community-Based Forest Plantation Activities The total forest planta...

Waste Reduction

Waste Reduction

Landfill sites in Japan fill up for around 16.4 years (as of April 1, 2...