
Oji Group Sustainability Action Guidelines for Supply Chains

Oji Group Partnership Procurement Policy

Revised: February 26, 2024

Oji Group Sustainability Action Guidelines for Supply Chains

Oji Holdings Corporation

Basic Approach

The Oji Group has established the Sustainability Action Guidelines for the Supply Chain and requires suppliers to communicate our approach and to understand and comply with the items set out below.

Our Requests to Business Partners

The Oji Group requests business partners in its supply chain to take the actions enumerated below, and works together with them to help them to do so. We also expect our business partners to encourage their suppliers to take these actions.

(1) Anti-Corruption

  1. Comply with relevant laws and international conventions
  2. Ensure its compliance with fair business practices and anti-corruption.
  3. Ensure proper quality of products and services and others.

(2) Consider the environment

Consider potential and existing impacts on local communities and the environment with regards to its business activities – such as impacts on nearby biodiverse habitats or pollution of the local ecosystem. Take the necessary measures to reduce its consumption of energy, water and other natural resources, as well as its emissions of greenhouse gases and waste.

  1. Reinforce environmental management systems
  2. Reduce waste and reduce use of resources by using them more efficiently
  3. Address climate change (reduce greenhouse gas emissions mainly through energy conservation,and promote carbon dioxide absorption as well as carbon fixation mainly through sustainable forest management)
  4. Protect biodiversity
  5. Reduce environmental impact
  6. Manage chemical substances
  7. Manage water resources

(3) Demonstrate social concern

  1. Abuse and Harassment
    Respect the human rights of all of its employees and not engage in inhumane treatment, including discrimination, harassment, abuse and corporal punishment.
  2. Forced Labor and Child Labor
    Prohibit forced labor or child labor including the employment of children under the minimum working age.
  3. Discrimination
    Prohibit employment discrimination based on characteristics including but not limited to gender, race, and religion.
  4. Suitable Remuneration
    Guaranteed wages in excess of the legal minimum wage.
  5. Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
    Respect the freedom of association and right to collective bargaining of its employees and ensure that labor-management discussions on working conditions and environment are held, as appropriate.
  6. Working Hours
    Comply with statutory working hour restrictions. Properly manage its employees' working hours, strictly prohibit excessive overtime work.
  7. Safe and Healthy Working Environments
    Take necessary measures to provide a safe, hygienic and healthy working environment to its employees.
  8. Promoting health and safety, including in the supply chain
  9. Contribute to society and the local community
    Contribute to society and the local community of trust with stakeholders through communication.

(4) Communicate with society

  1. Build relationships of trust with stakeholders through communication
  2. Respect the cultures and customs of other countries
  3. Appropriately disclose and protect information
  • *Name changed from “Oji Group Partnership Procurement Policy” to “Oji Group Sustainability Action Guidelines for Supply Chains”
  • *This Action Guidelines applies to all raw materials procured by the Oji Group.
    Regarding wood raw materials, we have separately established "Wood Raw Materials Procurement Guidelines."
  • *Monitoring will be conducted as needed in order to effectively pursue sustainable procurement that considers environmental and social factors.