Oji Group

Sustainability Report

Since its foundation in 1873, the Oji Group has achieved continuous growth through the expansion of its business fields over the past 150 years. Our management philosophy is based on the “Creation of Innovative Value,” “Contribution to the Future and the World,” and “Harmony with Nature and Society.” We are working to ensure that our businesses contribute to a sustainable society, through the global expansion of our sustainable business model: “resource circulation throughout the value chain.”

What's New

Respect for Human Rights

Promoting Respect for Human Rights Structure (Sustainability Promotion Structure)

Promoting Respect for Human Rights Structure (Sustainability Promotion St...

Waste Management and Public Cleansing Law Related Information
Corporate Governance Structures

Corporate Governance Structures

Corporate Governance Structures The Oji Group has adopted a "COMPANY...

Respect for Human Rights

Human rights education

Human rights education The Oji Group provides ongoing human rights e...

[Topic 1] Action on climate change Toward the realization of a low-carbon society
[Topic 1] Action on climate change<br>Toward the realization of a low-carbon society

[Topic 1] Action on climate change Toward the realization of a low-carbon society

For the Oji Group that utilizes a range of renewable energy resources, in...

The Oji's Initiatives during COVID-19 Pandemic

The Oji's Initiatives during COVID-19 Pandemic

The Oji Group’s initiatives during COVID-19 pandemic We would like to ...

Social Contributions
Sports and Cultural Actiivities


Sports The Oji Group sponsors the Oji Baseball Team, which is based in...

2021年度 維持管理記録


Respect for Human Rights

Prohibition of child labor and forced labor

Prohibition of child labor and forced labor In its Oji Group Human Ri...

Sustainability Strategy
Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability Strategy

Basic Policy on Sustainability Initiatives ...

Compliance Structure

Response to Compliance Violations

Response to Compliance Violations In the Oji Group, "violation of co...

Abundant Forests Creation and Resource Recycling
Abundant Forests Creation and Resource Recycling

Abundant Forests Creation and Resource Recycling

Forests produce wood, store abundant water, prevent landslide and other ...

Wood Raw Material Procurement Guidelines

Wood Raw Material Procurement Guidelines

The wood used for making paper is an excellent resource that can be repr...

Social Contributions
Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

The Oji Group believes it is important to coexist with diverse communitie...

Enhancing Human Capital

Strengthening Human Capital

Message From the President Developing and...



Compliance Structure Anti-Corruption Init...

Respect for Human Rights

Key Issues Related to Human Rights

Key Issues Related to Human Rights The Oji Group supports and re...

Effective Utilization of Water Resources and Water Risk Initiatives

Water Risk Initiatives

Water Risk Initiatives Assessment of water risks The depletion of ...

Corporate Governance Structures

Main Activities of Independent Outside Officers in FY2023

Main Activities of Independent Outside Officers in FY2023 You can...

Biodiversity Conservation Programs

Conservation Activity for Kiwi

Conservation Activity for Kiwi (Pan Pac / New Zealand) Pan Pac Fores...

Sustainability Strategy

Waste Reduction

Waste Reduction

Landfill sites in Japan fill up for around 16.4 years (as of April 1, 2...

Social Contributions
Groundwork Activities

Groundwork Activities

In October 1995, the Oji Group joined the Japan Groundwork Association at...