Oji Group

Sustainability Report

Since its foundation in 1873, the Oji Group has achieved continuous growth through the expansion of its business fields over the past 150 years. Our management philosophy is based on the “Creation of Innovative Value,” “Contribution to the Future and the World,” and “Harmony with Nature and Society.” We are working to ensure that our businesses contribute to a sustainable society, through the global expansion of our sustainable business model: “resource circulation throughout the value chain.”

What's New

Social Contributions
Sports and Cultural Actiivities

The Fujihara Foundation of Science

Oji Group proactively carries out activities that contribute to the pro...

Waste Reduction

Waste Reduction

Landfill sites in Japan fill up for around 16.4 years (as of April 1, 2...

Environment Management Structures (Sustainability Committee)

Sustainability Management Structure

Sustainability Management Structure Recognizing efforts for sustaina...

Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health

Management Structure Training Programs ...

ESG Data
ESG Data

ESG Data

Environment Social Governance Environment 1. Environ...

Oji Group Tax Policy

Oji Group Tax Policy

Drawing on the fundamental values and the behavior principles that the O...

Promotion of Inclusion & Diversity

Promotion of Diversity

The Oji Group asks all employees to uphold core common values, such as t...

Environmental Action Program (2030)

Environment Action Program

Environmental Action Program 2030 In September 2020, we established a...

Biodiversity Conservation

Biodiversity Conservation

Biodiversity Conservation Programs Forest...

Biodiversity Conservation Programs

Activities to protect the mutum-do-sudeste (the red-billed curassow, in the Crasidae family), an endangered species (CENIBRA / Brazil)

Activities to protect the mutum-do-sudeste (the red-billed curassow, in the...

2023 Human rights due diligence results

2023 Human rights due diligence results

(1) Implementation of human rights assessments Suppliers for the FY20...

Environmental Vision 2050

Environmental Vision 2050

In September 2020, we established the “Environment Action Program 2030” w...

2022 Human rights due diligence results

2022 Human rights due diligence results

(i) Implementation of human rights assessments In FY2022, we conducted...

Climate change mitigation and adaptation

Efforts to Reduce GHG Emissions

In Environmental Action Program 2030, we have set a target of reducing ...

Stakeholder Engagement
External Activities

External Activities

Participation in Domestic and Overseas Organizations The Oji Group st...

Compliance Promotion Activities

Monitoring of the Status of Compliance

Monitoring of the Status of Compliance The Internal Audit Department c...

Biodiversity Conservation Programs

Sarufutsu Itou Conservation Activities

Sarufutsu Itou Conservation Activities (Sarufutsu company- owned forest in ...

Evaluation from Society
Evaluation from Society

Evaluation from Society

FTSE Blossom Japan Index In June 2023, Oji was selected for FT...

Participation in the “30 by 30 Alliance for Biodiversity”

Participation in the “30 by 30 Alliance for Biodiversity”

Participation in the “30 by 30 Alliance for Biodiversity” “30...

Social Contributions
Education and Healthcare

Oji Forest Nature School

Oji Forest Nature School The Oji Group has 188k hectares of forest in ...

2023年度 維持管理記録
Social Contributions
Sports and Cultural Actiivities


Sports The Oji Group sponsors the Oji Baseball Team, which is based in...

Social Contributions
Recycling Disposable Chopsticks

Basic Policy on Recycling Disposable Chopsticks

Basic Policy on Recycling Disposable Chopsticks Basic Policy The O...

Wood Raw Material Procurement Guidelines

Wood Raw Material Procurement Guidelines

The wood used for making paper is an excellent resource that can be repr...