


Basic Policy

The Oji Group places "Safety, Environment and Compliance" at the top of critical management issues in its corporate activities.
Regarding compliance, we have established the Oji Group Corporate Code of Conduct to promote our corporate activities with a high sense of ethics to live up to society's trust as a corporate citizen in the international community and comply with laws and regulations.
To realize the spirit of the Oji Group Corporate Code of Conduct, we have also established the Oji Group Behavior Standard as a code of conduct that all officers and employees of the Group, as members of the international community, should observe as a standard of behavior.
The Oji Group incorporated the principles on human rights, labor, the environment, and anticorruption of the United Nations Global Compact and established the Oji Group Corporate Code of Conduct and the Oji Group Behavior Standard, action guidelines for the Code, in 2004. They were revised in FY2020 to reflect the social environment including the SDGs and the Management Philosophy, to make them more in line with the demands of the times. The alteration or abolition of the Corporate Code of Conduct and the Behavior Standard requires a resolution by the Board of Directors. With the involvement of the Board, this Code of Conduct and the Behavior Standard have been established as the standard of activities performed by all officers and employees of the Oji Group.
The Oji Group Corporate Code of Conduct and the Oji Group Behavior Standard, and the CEO's message ("sound common sense", "sensitivity to improper things", and "courage to act") are distributed to all employees of the Group in the form of notebooks and are always used and practiced.

Basic Policy