
Developing and Strengthening Human Resources

Developing and Strengthening Human Resources

As a global organization, the Oji Group aims to go “Beyond the Boundaries”, while at the same time putting into practice its management philosophy, Purpose, and management strategies (including long-term vision) through “Growth to Evolution”.
In order to put these into practice and to continue to exist as a corporation that is sought after and indispensable to the world, we believe that the most important element is “people”. Based on the fundamental principle that “the source of a company’s strength is its people (human capital)”, we are working to secure and foster human resources in accordance with the Oji Group Human Resource Philosophy.
The Oji Group Human Resource Philosophy requires, first of all, that each and every employee possess high ethical principles. On top of that, we expect them to understand and practice our management philosophy, Purpose, and management strategies, to have an awareness of and make efforts for transformation, to engage in self-training and contribution to the organization’s growth and progress, and take actions with global awareness.
Our goal in enhancing human capital is to secure and foster human resources who embody the Oji Group Human Resource Philosophy, the basic premise of which is “ensuring compliance, safety and environment, and respect for human rights”, “inclusion and diversity”, and “utilization of human resources (fair treatment based on meritocracy and improvement of engagement)”. These three elements form the foundation of our human resource development and internal environment improvement policies.
With these three foundations firmly in place, we will promote the development of abilities and careers of diverse human resources and improvement in work-life management through change in mindset (behavior) of every employee as well as management in which management-level employees encourage growth and evolution of their subordinates.
These efforts will lead to the securing and fostering of human resources who embody the Oji Group Human Resource Philosophy by enabling the active participation and demonstration of the full potential of every employee, who is the source of value creation, as well as by achieving innovation based on diverse values and creative ideas. Accordingly, every one of our human resources will work to continuously enhance corporate value through practicing our management philosophy, Purpose, and management strategies (including long-term vision).

Oji Group Human Resource Philosophy
Oji Group Human Resource Philosophy

Human Resources Education for the Practice of Management Strategies

To develop human resources in line with the Oji Group Human Resource Philosophy, we have enriched in-house training in accordance with career stages. In particular, we are committed to developing global human resources to fully pursue the management strategies.
The Oji Group Fuji Training Center, a new base for the exchange and development of human resources constructed in Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture, started operation in February 2023. The center hosts not only Group-wide training sessions but those organized by business companies. All training that takes place at the train-ing center includes education on compliance, safety, and environment, the Long-term Vision, and the Purpose. We thus seek thorough understanding and penetration of these topics.
Global human resource development training, which has been suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is scheduled to resume in FY2023 with revised contents. We also plan to focus primarily on boosting digital literacy in driving forward the development of human resources who can promote digital transformation.

Exterior of the Oji Group Fuji Training Center (Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture)
Exterior of the Oji Group Fuji Training Center (Fujinomiya City, Shizuoka Prefecture)

Human Resource Development Program

You can see this table by scrolling horizontally.
Goals Name of training Eligible employees Outline
Global human resource development Global Intensive Program Expatriate Candidates
  • Town hall meetings with Oji Holdings Executives
  • Interaction with expatriates
  • Acquisition of skills as a global human resource
Assessment training
(Oji Asia Packaging)
Executive Candidates for Southeast Asia Area
  • Invite foreign human resources from overseas business companies to Japan and support their development
  • Town hall meetings with Oji Holdings Executives
  • Interaction with employees of business companies in Japan
  • Presentation of the Group's direction in the Southeast Asia area
Digital literacy education Digital literacy education
Employees of 40 domestic companies in indirect divisions, expatriates Develop digital literacy
Management training New manager training*1 New managers Manager duties, HR programs, and evaluator training
New general manager training*1 General manager level Town hall meeting with CEO and acquisition of knowledge and skills required to achieve division strategies
Managerial personnel development Career building training for employees on the generalist track*1 *2 Pre-management employees on the generalist track Understand the functions required of managers,and improve capabilities for setting and solvingissues
Career design Career design training for young employees on the generalist track*1 3rd year employees in the generalist track Assess their own abilities and establish goals for career self-reliance
Support for employee ability development Personal-empowerment system Qualified individuals Support employees in their autonomous and continuing development of their abilities
  • *1The training is provided to all regular employees who meet the eligibility requirements.
  • *2In the "Career building training for employees on the generalist track program," we focus on the promotion of selected senior managers who are expected to be promoted in the next few years.

Open recruitment system within the Group

We started a new open recruitment system in FY2022 for regular employees and expatriate employees of Group companies in Japan, for the purpose of strengthening our business, revitalizing the organization, and improving employee engagement through the promotion of self-reliant career development based on employees’ intent, and appropriate allocation and effective utilization of highly motivated human resources.
The divisions eligible for open recruitment include the divisions of the “Group Business Development Division”, which was newly established in October 2022 at Oji Management Office Inc. with the aim of developing businesses that contribute to building a sustainable society and developing them into future pillars of earnings, as well as employees stationed overseas in India with the aim of developing and securing global human resources. From a large number of applications, approximately 20 employees who passed the screening and interview processes will be transferred.

Skill Development and Training for Employees

We have established a support system for degree and certification acquisition for our regular employees to actively support and recognize their voluntary and continuous learning and career development.

Employee Awareness Surveys

The Oji Group provides its employees with the opportunity to periodically assess their satisfaction with the company by including survey items such as "job satisfaction," "willingness to continue working," "vitality," and "pride" in multiple surveys of employees*1, 2, and 3. Survey results are fed back to each workplace and used to improve the working environment.

In fiscal 2022, we introduced teleworking based on the results of awareness surveys and questionnaires to employees. We also implemented an open recruitment system*4 for regular Oji Group employees in Japan and expatriates.

  • *1Self-assessment and evaluation
    This is a system in which employees share their past work experience, thoughts on their current work, goals and challenges, and future life plans with their supervisors and the company through an annual interview.
    It aims to lead to future evaluation, ability development, and the aptitude placement of each employee.
  • *2Compliance awareness survey
    The Oji Group conducts a compliance awareness survey of all officers and employees of the Oji Group (including part-time, short-term, and temporary employees) in Japan once every two years.
    The purpose of the survey is to monitor the compliance situation and the working environment at each workplace.
    The survey results are reported to the Group Management Meeting and fed back to leaders who promote compliance at each Group company.
    Related page: Compliance Promotion Activities
  • *3Stress checks
    The Oji Group jointly conducts stress check tests once a year. In fiscal 2022, 106 companies participated. The results are analyzed and then fed back to each workplace through each company, the person in charge of each department and the person in charge of the stress check, leading to improvements in the workplace environment.
    Related page: Health and Productivity Management