Oji Group

Sustainability Report

Since its foundation in 1873, the Oji Group has achieved continuous growth through the expansion of its business fields over the past 150 years. Our management philosophy is based on the “Creation of Innovative Value,” “Contribution to the Future and the World,” and “Harmony with Nature and Society.” We are working to ensure that our businesses contribute to a sustainable society, through the global expansion of our sustainable business model: “resource circulation throughout the value chain.”

What's New



Respect for Human Rights Enhancing Human ...

Compliance Structure

Compliance Structure

Compliance Structure The Oji Group's Corporate Compliance Department ...

Management Structure

Management Structure

Oji Group Safety and Health Management Rules Oji Group Safety and Hea...

Promotion of Working Style Reforms

Promotion of Working Style Reforms

Based on our fundamental principle, “a company’s strength originates fro...


Benefit packages

The Oji Group supports the life of its employees and their families thr...

Environment Management Structures (Sustainability Committee)

Sustainability Committee

Risk Assessment of New Businesses The Oji Group screens investme...

Respect for Human Rights

Human Rights Due Diligence

Human Rights Due Diligence To fulfill our responsibility of respec...

Social Contributions
Education and Healthcare

Community-Based Forest Plantation Activities

Community-Based Forest Plantation Activities The total forest planta...

Respect for Human Rights

Key Issues Related to Human Rights

Key Issues Related to Human Rights The Oji Group supports and re...

Safety Initiatives (Case examples)

Safety Initiatives

The Group CEO Safety Award The Group CEO Safety Award ...

Abundant Forests Creation and Resource Recycling
Abundant Forests Creation and Resource Recycling

Abundant Forests Creation and Resource Recycling

Forests produce wood, store abundant water, prevent landslide and other ...

Corporate Governance Structures

Corporate Governance Structures

Corporate Governance Structures The Oji Group has adopted a "COMPANY...

Social Contributions
Groundwork Activities

Groundwork activities (Case examples)

Groundwork activities (Case examples) Tomakomai Mill: Volunteer cleanup ...

Responsible Procurement of Raw Material

Responsible Procurement of Raw Material

the Oji Group Sustainability Action Guidelines for Supply ...

Risk Management

Risk Management

Risk Management The Oji Group’s BCP

Message From the President

Message From the President

Human resources with diverse values and flexible ideas are key to implement...

Corporate Governance Structures

Status of Activities by and Reason for Appointment of Independent Outside Officers

Independent Outside Directors and Independent Outside Audit & Superviso...

Social Contributions
Sports and Cultural Actiivities

Oji Hall

Oji Hall Oji Hall, which aims to contribute to musical culture, is a cre...

Stakeholder Engagement
External Activities

External Activities

Participation in Domestic and Overseas Organizations The Oji Group st...

Wood Raw Material Procurement Guidelines

Wood Raw Material Procurement Guidelines

The wood used for making paper is an excellent resource that can be repr...

Evaluation from Society
Evaluation from Society

Evaluation from Society

FTSE Blossom Japan Index In June 2023, Oji was selected for FT...

Improvement in Work-life Management (Child Care and Nursing Care)

Improvement in Work-life Management (Child Care and Nursing Care)

Support for balancing career and childcare Support for balancing caree...

Developing and Strengthening Human Resources

Developing and Strengthening Human Resources

As a global organization, the Oji Group aims to go “Beyond the Boundarie...

Social Contributions
Recycling Disposable Chopsticks

Mechanism of disposable chopstick recycling

Cherishing the Spirit of MOTTAINAI -- Used Disposable Chopsticks are Utili...