Oji Group

Sustainability Report

Since its foundation in 1873, the Oji Group has achieved continuous growth through the expansion of its business fields over the past 150 years. Our management philosophy is based on the “Creation of Innovative Value,” “Contribution to the Future and the World,” and “Harmony with Nature and Society.” We are working to ensure that our businesses contribute to a sustainable society, through the global expansion of our sustainable business model: “resource circulation throughout the value chain.”

What's New

Provisions related to ESG, etc.

Provisions related to ESG, etc.

In fiscal year 2022, provisions amounting to ¥1,839 million have been r...

Management Structure

Management Structure

Oji Group Safety and Health Management Rules Oji Group Safety and Hea...

Corporate Governance Structures

Policy and Process for Nomination of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members

Policy and Process for Nomination of Directors and Audit & Supervisory ...

Corporate Governance Structures

Corporate Governance Structures

Corporate Governance Structures The Oji Group has adopted a "COMPANY...

Absorption and Fixation of CO₂ through Sustainable Forest Management

Absorption and Fixation of CO₂ through Sustainable Forest Management

Objectives The Group promotes absorption and fixation of carbon dioxid...

2022 Human rights due diligence results

2022 Human rights due diligence results

(i) Implementation of human rights assessments In FY2022, we conducted...

2017 Maintenance Record

2017 Maintenance Record

王子グループ対象事業の維持管理記録一覧 王子グループの事業所が保有する廃棄物処理施設(焼却施設・最終処分場)につき、各月の維持管理記録(対象...

Promotion of Working Style Reforms

Promotion of Working Style Reforms

Based on our fundamental principle, “a company’s strength originates fro...

Environment Management Structures (Sustainability Committee)

Sustainability Committee

Risk Assessment of New Businesses The Oji Group screens investme...

Risk Management

Risk Management

The Oji Group undertakes business activities with a strong sense of eth...

Company-owned Forests in Japan

Company-owned Forests in Japan

Our company-owned forests in Japan ~650 sites across the countr...

Corporate Governance Structures

Main Activities of Independent Outside Officers in FY2023

Main Activities of Independent Outside Officers in FY2023 You can...

Training Programs

Training Programs

Safety and Health Training Programs The Safety Administration Departm...

Respect for Human Rights

Key Issues Related to Human Rights

Key Issues Related to Human Rights The Oji Group supports and re...

Circular Use of Resources (Recovered Paper)

Effective Utilization of Resources (Paper Recycling)

Basic Approach In Japan, around 60% of the raw materials for paper pr...

Exhaust Gases Purification

Exhaust Gases Purification

Reduction of Chemical Substances Emissions in Exhaust Management and Mon...

Respect for Human Rights

Freedom of association

Freedom of association and Collective Bargaining In its Oji Group Hu...

Sustainability Strategy
Basic Policy on Sustainability Initiatives

Basic Policy on Sustainability Initiatives

Since its foundation in 1873, the Oji Group has achieved continuous gro...

Social Contributions
Education and Healthcare

Oji Forest Nature School

Oji Forest Nature School The Oji Group has 188k hectares of forest in ...

Effective Utilization of Resources (Sustainable Forest Management)

Effective Utilization of Resources (Sustainable Forest Management)

Sustainable Forest Management Policy Over...

Biodiversity Conservation

Biodiversity Conservation

Biodiversity Conservation Programs Forest...

2021年度 維持管理記録

Social Contributions
Sports and Cultural Actiivities

The Fujihara Foundation of Science

Oji Group proactively carries out activities that contribute to the pro...

Promotion of Inclusion & Diversity

Participation of Diverse Talents

Women in Management Positions and Female New Graduates Hired for Generalist...