
Oji Group Sustainability Action Guidelines for Supply Chains

Oji Group Partnership Procurement Policy

Revised: February 26, 2024

Oji Group Sustainability Action Guidelines for Supply Chains

Oji Holdings Corporation

Basic Approach

The Oji Group has established Sustainability Action Guidelines for its supply chains. It communicates these guidelines to its suppliers and expects them to understand and comply with the guidelines.

Requests to Suppliers

The Oji Group requests its suppliers to fulfill each of the requests below. The Group will collaborate with them to fulfill the requests.
The Group expects suppliers to collaborate with their own suppliers to fulfill the requests.

(1) Compliance with laws, regulations, and social norms, fair trade, and anti-corruption measures

  1. Comply with relevant laws and regulations and international treaties.
  2. Thoroughly ensure fair trade practices and institute anti-corruption measures.
  3. Ensure that all products and services meet the required standards of quality.

(2) Consideration for the environment

Consider the impact of business activities on communities, biodiversity, pollution, and other environmental issues. Strive to reduce the usage of energy, water, and other resources, as well as greenhouse gas emissions and waste production. Promote sustainable CO2 fixation by conserving forests and implementing other means.

  1. Enhance the environmental management system.
  2. Reduce the amount of waste and use resources effectively.
  3. Address climate change.
    (Reduce greenhouse gas emissions mainly through energy conservation and promote the absorption of CO2 and sustainable CO2 fixation chiefly by conserving forests)
  4. Preserve biodiversity.
  5. Reduce environmental impact.
  6. Manage chemical substances.
  7. Manage water resources.

(3) Care about society

  1. Respect human rights. Prohibit discrimination, harassment in any form, and inhumane treatment, including corporal punishment and abuse.
  2. Prevent employees from being involved in forced labor or child labor. Prohibit the employment of children under the minimum employment age.
  3. Prohibit discrimination in employment based on gender, race, religion, or any other social attributes.
  4. Ensure that wages are above the legal minimum wage.
  5. Respect employees’ right to organize and bargain collectively.
  6. Make sure to follow the legal regulations on the maximum number of work hours and avoid excessive work hours.
  7. Make sure to provide a safe, hygienic, and healthy working environment for employees.
  8. Promote safety and health in the entire supply chain.
  9. Contribute to local communities and society

(4) Communication with society

  1. Communicate with stakeholders to build trust.
  2. Respect overseas culture and customs.
  3. Protect and disclose information appropriately.
  • *The Oji Group Partnership Procurement Policy has been renamed the Oji Group Sustainability Action Guidelines for Supply Chains.
  • *These action guidelines apply to all raw materials that the Oji Group procures. The Group has established Wood Raw Materials Procurement Guidelines separately.
  • *The Group effectively promotes sustainability procurement by monitoring its impact on the environment and society.

Translation of Oji Group Sustainability Action Guidelines for Supply Chains