
Reduction of Environmental Burden

Reduction of Environmental Burden

Fundamental Policies

The Oji Group recognizes that reducing the environmental burden is some material issue toward realizing a sustainable society.
Under the Environmental Action Programs 2030, we will set voluntary management values that are stricter than legal values related to wastewater and exhaust to achieve zero environmental impact.
And more, we promote pollution prevention through thorough legal compliance.
In addition, we are promoting the effective use of resources such as water resources and waste.

Targets and Achievements

Purification of wastewater

Under the Environmental Action Program 2030, we aim to reduce the emission intensity of BOD*1, COD*2, and SS*3 by 15% in FY2030 compared with the base year (FY2018).

  • *1BOD: Biochemical oxygen demand
  • *2COD: Chemical oxygen demand
  • *3SS: Suspended solids
(Base Year)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2030
BOD Emission intensity (kg/ million yen) 5.07 5.13 5.57 4.77 3.29 3.01 4.31 or less
Reduction rate (%) - 1.3% 9.9% -5.9% -35.1% -40.7% -15.0%
COD Emission intensity (kg/ million yen) 22.52 23.24 24.21 24.39 20.28 20.35 19.14 or less
Reduction rate (%) - 3.2% 7.5% 8.3% -10.0% -9.6% -15.0%
SS Emission intensity (kg/ million yen) 10.57 10.87 10.77 10.01 8.04 7.46 8.99 or less
Reduction rate (%) - 2.8% 1.9% -5.4% -24.0% -29.4% -15.0%

Purification of exhaust gas

Under the Environmental Action Programs 2030, we aim to reduce SOx*4 emission intensity by 15% in FY2030 compared with the base year (FY2018), and to reduce VOC*5 emission intensity by 50% or more from the base year (FY2010).

  • *4SOx: Sulfur oxides
  • *5VOC: Volatile organic compounds
  (Base Year) FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2030
SOx Emission intensity (kg/ million yen) 4.12 3.78 4.07 3.69 3.49 2.98 3.50 or less
Reduction rate (%) - -8.2% -1.3% -10.5% -15.4% -27.8% -15.0%
VOC Emission intensity (kg/ million yen) 0.61 0.32 0.17 0.16 0.11 0.09 0.30 or less
Reduction rate (%) - -47.5% -72.1% -73.8% -82.0% -85.2% -50.0%

Waste reduction

Under the Environmental Action Programs 2030, we aim to achieve an effective waste utilization rate*6 of at least 99% in Japan and 95% overseas in FY2030.

  • *6Effective waste utilization rate = (Volume of waste generated – Volume of landfill waste)÷Volume of waste generated x 100
  FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2030
Japan 98.3% 98.4% 98.8% 99.1% 99.4% 99.0% 99.0% or more
Overseas 89.6% 88.5% 89.4% 89.1% 83.4% 86.4% 95.0% or more