
Exhaust Gases Purification

Exhaust Gases Purification

Curtailing Emissions of Chemical Substances in Exhaust

Management of Compliance with Regulatory Values

The Oji Group owns several thermal-fired electric power generating plants. The electric power and thermal energy obtained through the direct combustion of fossil fuels, waste fuels, and renewable fuels are used internally and provided to local communities.
The Group has set voluntary management values that are stricter than the regulatory values regarding the atmospheric release of the chemical substances produced through direct combustion. In cases where voluntary standards are over, we take measures to suspend operations and others for pollution prevention.

Status of Reductions in Chemical Substances in Exhaust

We are working to maintain or reduce VOC (volatile organic compounds)*1 emissions to the FY2010 level, which is the guideline by the Japan Paper Association. In addition, we are also operating according to voluntary control values for SOx (sulfur oxides)*2.

  • *1Collective term for various organic compounds that are volatile and become gaseous in the atmosphere, including substances such as toluene, xylene, and ethyl acetate.
  • *2A general term for sulfur oxides, including sulfur monoxide (SO), sulfur dioxide (sulfurous acid gas) (SO2), sulfur trioxide (SO3) and more.