The Oji Group will work to build relationships of trust with all its stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, customers, suppliers, employees, mass media, local communities, industry associations and non-governmental organizations, through dialogues and collaboration in an effort to increase corporate value.
Stakeholders | Roles of the Oji Group | Main means and frequency of communication | Main organizations for dialogues |
Shareholders and investors |
Customers |
Suppliers |
Employees |
Local communities |
We are facilitating communicating with investors and securities analysts in Japan and overseas by holding Financial results briefing sessions and Closed sessions with analysts / investors.
The following explains our main IR activities in FY2023.
Activity | Timing | Number of participants |
Financial results briefing sessions | May and November | 159 participants in cumulative total |
Financial results small meeting | February and August | 56 participants in cumulative total |
Closed sessions with analysts / investors | As appropriate throughout the year | 144 meetings in cumulative total |
Individual investor briefings | March | 388 participants |
Oji Holdings’ corporate website makes timely and appropriate disclosures of information by publishing corporate governance reports, integrated reports, summaries of consolidated financial and business results and other financial results materials and materials on Financial results briefing sessions.
In principle, we send notification of the ordinary general meeting of shareholders three months prior to the scheduled date of the meeting to ensure that shareholders can fully study the items to be resolved. Prior to the dispatch, the Japanese and English versions are published on our website.
As an electromagnetic means of exercising voting rights, shareholders can exercise their voting rights online. Institutional investors can also use the Electronic Voting Platform operated by ICJ, Inc.
We aim to give plain explanations in the business report at the general meeting of shareholders by introducing narrations and visualizations using display monitors.
In addition to its day-to-day sales activities, the Oji Group communicates closely with customers by participating in exhibitions as an exhibitor and through inquiries from customers using inquiry forms at our corporate website, and our contact points at each group companies.
In response to inquiries on product safety, we offer investigation reports, safety data sheets and other materials in an effort to provide appropriate information for customers.
(Number of inquiries on product safety in FY2022: 18,805)
(Number of inquiries on wood materials in FY2022: 267)
The Oji Group implements Sustainability procurement with environmental and social considerations with the help of suppliers in accordance with the Oji Group Sustainability Action Guidelines for Supply Chains, which provides the rules to be observed in procuring all raw materials.
Regarding wood raw materials, we formulated the Wood Raw Material Procurement Policy, because they have more items that need to be checked, such as illegal logging and biodiversity issues, than other resources to be procured.
The Oji Group supports the White Logistics Movement. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries call on businesses to participate. We submitted a declaration of voluntary actions towards realizing sustainable logistics.
We will take the 15 actions specified in the declaration of voluntary actions to improve logistical efficiency, to stabilize logistics and to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from truck transport.
We will consider the opinions of logistical operators and make different proposals and improvements for enhancing logistical circumstances.
In response to the aggravating issue on the shortage of truck drivers, this movement addresses the enhancement of productivity and logistical efficiency in truck transport and the achievement of a working environment that is friendly to female truck drivers and to drivers in their 60s and older while stably maintaining the logistical operations necessary for people’s lives and industrial activities, thereby contributing to economic growth.
The Oji Group publishes a monthly online internal newsletter titled OJI today +, in Japanese and English to distribute to employees in Japan and overseas. In addition, it is working on information sharing via the Intranet.
For the purpose of promoting mutual understanding by sharing information in the Group and boosting employees’ motivation towards accomplishing the Medium-Term Management Plan, we select topics in the Group, such as management messages, business activities and research activities, as well as key subjects, such as the environment, safety and compliance, and diversity promotion, to distribute information appropriately. As our bases and business scale expand globally, we will implement information distribution that will unite the Group and will develop employees’ sense of belonging.
The Oji Group operates the Business Ethics Helpline in accordance with its Group Whistleblowing Regulations. It allows all officers and employees of the Group, including part-time workers, to make consultations and to deliver reports for preventing and quickly discovering violations of laws and ordinances or misconduct. Whistleblowing desks are established both internally (in Oji Holdings’ Corporate Compliance Department) and externally (at a law firm) to ensure the early discovery and correction of non-compliance with laws and ordinances, human rights abuses, such as harassment and discrimination, corrupt practices including bribery, and other misconduct. We also work to solve employees’ daily concerns related to compliance.
Keidanren established the Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund and the Keidanren Nature Conservation Council in 1992, the year the Earth Summit (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development) was held, as organizations to practice the ideas of the 'Keidanren Charter on the Global Environment (1991).' Since then, they have been developing various biodiversity conservation activities.
The Oji Group endorses the 'Keidanren Biodiversity Declaration & Action Guidelines' and participates as a standing committee member (vice-chairman and Committee Members ) in the main council of Keidanren.
As part of their role, not only within the group companies but also throughout the supply chain, they are committed to the conservation and restoration of natural capital, including biodiversity and ecosystems."