
Training Programs

Training Programs

Safety and Health Training Programs

The Safety Administration Department shows job-class-specific and job-specific safety and health training programs to be implemented by Group companies. Based on these programs, Group companies establish job-class-specific safety and health training programs that are appropriate for the conditions of each. Under the programs, Group companies provide safety and health training (including training provided by external organizations) that is appropriate for each job class and job, not to mention training prescribed in the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

Job-class-specific training Heads of business establishments (heads and deputy heads), managers (managers of departments, offices, and sections, as well as newly-appointed managers), supervisors (leaders of specific operations and works, leaders of small groups and teams, and similar leaders, as well as newly appointed ones), general employees (senior employees, mid-career employees, young employees, fresh graduates, other new employees, and dispatched employees)
Job-specific training Managers and supervisors, persons who handle hazardous materials, safety and health staff, and personnel assigned to different jobs, personnel whose work contents have been changed, affiliate companies, and business operators who enter the Group’s premises on a temporary basis

Safety and health education and training

Oji Group companies not only conduct education and training for Group employees by rank and responsibility based on the Group Safety and Health Education and Training System (Draft), but also provide various types of education and guidance to employees of partner companies stationed on the premises and temporary construction workers.
In addition to these education and training programs, each company and workplace of the Oji Group reads daily safety work procedure manuals, safety rules and detailed regulations, and compliance and prohibition rules, and conducts education and training through on-the-job training to ensure that all employees are familiar with safety rules. Recently, we have installed hazard simulation equipment and have employees participate in courses at outside institutions. In addition, we have developed group-wide hazard simulation training using VR technology, which enables employees to safely and effectively experience simulated collisions, crashes, falls, electric shock, contact with harmful objects, flying and falling objects, and collapses and collapse, which are difficult to simulate. This is designed to improve sensitivity to danger and safety awareness through firsthand experience of hazards.

Table: Number of employees who underwent the safety and health education and training programs in 2022 (Japan)

(Accumulated participants)
Company segment Total
Industrial Materials COMPANY 32,786
Household and Consumer Products COMPANY 1,575
Functional Materials COMPANY 6,408
Forest Resources and Environment Marketing Business COMPANY 1,843
Printing and Communications Media COMPANY 5,310
Corporate Management Group 875
Shared Service Companies 3,407
Oji Holdings corporation Innovation Promotion Division 434
Total 52,638