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Community Development Programs

Community Development Programs

An initiative by Pan Pac Forest Products (New Zealand) continues to make a positive impact on the community.

In 2020, Pan Pac established an environmental trust with the aim to enhance, restore and protect the environment and local culture by providing funding for community-driven initiatives.

The Pan Pac Environmental Trust has $100,000 to allocate each year and the initiative has received praise from a number of stakeholders.

In 2023, the funding round was extended to allow community groups that were impacted by the major cyclone event in February to apply for funding. As a result of this event, the decision was made by the trustees to dedicate the 2023 funding towards environmental projects exclusively.
The winning projects included Between Two Rivers – a project that will benefit hill country farmers through revegetation of damaged hillsides along two key rivers using native seed pods distributed by drone. Other projects included support for endangered native species and predator control in native forests.

Pan Pac has enjoyed seeing the positive impact it is having on the community through the projects that are being funded by the Pan Pac Environmental Trust. The initiative has shown the benefit of building partnerships between the company and the local community, with the community providing the ideas and initiatives to restore the environment and the Trust funding the execution of the ideas.
Pan Pac is excited to see the positive impacts this funding will have on the local environment and community in the coming years.

Reece O’Leary, Environmental Manager, Pan Pac
Reece O’Leary, Environmental Manager, Pan Pac
A Sustainable Business Model that Creates and Circulates Resources
Pan Pac Environmental Trust Website - WINNING PROJECTS