
Occurrence of Occupational Accidents

Occurrence of Occupational Accidents

Number and Frequency of Occupational Accidents with Temporary Incapacity for Work

The Oji Group aims to eliminate occupational injuries by taking initiatives for “Zero fatal and serious work related accidents” under the basic philosophy of "safety as our absolute top priority."

Number of Accidents Resulting in Lost Work Hours

Since 2017, we have had the "achievement of no fatal or serious accidents" as a priority objective, and as a result of Oji Group-wide efforts, we were able to achieve this priority goal in 2021.
The numbers of industrial accidents that occurred across the entire Group* for the most recent years (including accidents at non-consolidated affiliates) are as follows:


There were 58 industrial accidents including fatal and serious accidents (45 in Japan, 13 overseas).
Compared with 2019, the number of industrial accidents at overseas group companies decreased significantly (from 25 to 13), but the number of industrial accidents at domestic Group companies increased slightly (from 43 to 45), resulting in a 10-accident decrease in the total of domestic and overseas accidents.
In addition, there were four fatal accidents: two in Japan (one employee, one contractor who enters facilities temporarily), and two overseas (one employee, one contractors who enters facilities temporarily).


There were 71 occupational accidents (45 in Japan and 26 overseas), but no fatal or serious accidents.
Compared to 2020, the number of occupational accidents at overseas Group companies increased significantly (from 13 to 26), while the number of accidents at domestic Group companies remained unchanged (from 45 to 45), for a total increase of 13 cases both in Japan and overseas.


In 2022, two fatal forklift and heavy machinery accidents occurred in Japan and one fatal work-related traffic accident occurred overseas, claiming three precious lives in total. The number of accidents that resulted in time off from work was roughly the same as the previous year, and about half of them were due to non-compliance with safety rules. Observing and making others observe the main principles for safety and safety rules has therefore been set as the most important measure.

  • *Industrial accidents:
  • Employees and cooperative companies - Fatal accidents and accidents resulting in at least one day of lost work
  • Contractors who enter facilities temporarily - Fatal accidents

The number of accidents resulting in lost work hours above excludes accidents at overseas group companies that are determined to be at the level of accidents accompanied by injuries without lost work days in Japan (2018: 26 accidents, 2019: 22 accidents, 2020: 24 accidents, 2021: 17 accidents、2022: 33 accidents) in order to compare the domestic and overseas safety level.

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate

The Oji Group industrial Accidents (businesses with at least 100 employees), LTIFR for 2021 was 1.31 for the manufacturing industry and 1.85 for the pulp, paper, and processed paper Labour and Welfare’s Survey on Industrial Accidents (businesses with at least 100 employees), in 2022, the rate in all manufacturing industries was 1.25 and the rate in the pulp, paper, and paper processing manufacturing industry was 1.59.

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate