The Oji Group aims to eliminate occupational injuries by taking initiatives for “Zero fatal and serious work related accidents” under the basic philosophy of "safety as our absolute top priority."
The numbers of industrial accidents that occurred across the entire Group* for the most recent years (including accidents at non-consolidated affiliates) are as follows:
There were 71 occupational accidents (45 in Japan and 26 overseas), but no fatal or serious accidents.
In 2022, two fatal accidents occurred in Japan and one overseas. There were 66 lost time accidents (39 in Japan and 27 overseas).
In 2023, there was one fatal accident in Japan and two overseas. There were 65 lost time accidents (41 in Japan and 24 overseas), of which 34, or about half, were caused by violations of safety rules. Therefore, as a safety measure or the following year, 2024, we are striving to eliminate occupational accidents by continuing the "Complete Adherence to the Main Principles of Safety and Safety Rules" as we did in 2023.
The number of accidents resulting in lost work hours above excludes accidents at overseas group companies that are determined to be at the level of accidents accompanied by injuries without lost work days in Japan (2020: 24 accidents, 2021: 17 accidents, 2022: 33 accidents, 2023: 52 accidents) in order to compare the domestic and overseas safety level.
The Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate for Oji Group domestic workplaces has been on an upward trend since 2019, but turned down ward to 0.80 in 2023.
This is a low level compared to values for the entire manufacturing industry in Japan and values for the pulp, paper, and processed paper manufacturing industry (based on data from the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare's Survey of Occupational Accident Trends).