
Promotion of Working Style Reforms

Promotion of Working Style Reforms

Based on our fundamental principle, “a company’s strength originates from human resources.” to enable each employee to maximize their abilities, the Oji Group stipulates in Corporate Code of Conduct that we will enhance the skills of all employees and create comfortable work environment while taking into consideration diversity, a work style that respects individuality, and safety and health.
One of these initiatives, "Working Style Reforms," aims to reduce overtime and work longer hours, with a target of 1,850 total hours worked (covering 26 companies in the Oji Group headquarters area).
The actual results for FY2022 were 1830 hours.

Reduction of total working hours (26 companies in the Oji Group headquarters area)
Reduction of total working hours

Measures to institute more flexible working styles

Basic Policy

  • The maximum prescribed overtime work per month shall be 60 hours.
  • The percentage of employees' annual workdays that they leave the office by 19:00 shall be at least 80%.
  • Aim to take at least 80% of the annual paid leave entitlement.

Creating a pleasant work environment

  • Flexible working hours for family
  • Flextime system (Applicable employees can choose their own start and end times; no core hours)
  • Full compensatory leave for working on holidays
  • Encouragement of paid annual leave usage etc.

Initiatives to establish personnel systems for promoting working style reforms

To ensure the execution of tasks in line with management strategies, we are working to reduce total working hours and improve operational efficiency by promoting the use of the flextime system and the use of annual leave, based on the further establishment of the operation of the "role grading system" and the improvement of productivity.

① Role-Based Personnel Grading System

As a merit-based personnel system based on “role expectations” and “results” instead of “substantially based on the number of years served”, we appropriately operate a “role-based personnel grading system” and treat each employee according to the size of the role he or she has demonstrated through his or her abilities.
”Role expectations" and "results" evaluations are conducted twice a year and are reflected in the treatment of transfers and assignments, promotions and demotions, salary increases and decreases, and half-year-end bonuses.
Compliance and observance of the Code of Conduct are also incorporated into the evaluation of "Role Expectations."

② Discretionary labor system for researchers

The Group offers an environment in which researchers with particularly high levels of expertise can concentrate on their research by giving them the discretion in their work style through the “certified researcher system” and the “creative human resource development system”, thereby promoting innovation through creative results based on diverse values and ideas. From FY2022, we have more or less doubled the number of employees eligible for the “creative human resource development system” compared to previous years.

③ Extended retirement age

With the aim of encouraging older employees to play an active role in the company, we introduced the “retirement at age 65” system at major domestic Group companies in FY2017 so that they can make the most of the knowledge, skills, and techniques they have cultivated during their careers and work with enthusiasm. In addition, we introduced a reemployment system for employees who meet certain conditions up to the age of 67 in FY2023.