
Environmental Action Program (2030)

Environment Action Program

Environmental Action Program 2030

In September 2020, we established a long-term vision called "Environmental Vision 2050" with the goal of achieving "net-zero carbon" and "harmony with nature and society", and a medium-term target for FY2030 called "Environmental Action Program 2030" as a milestone.
In February 2024, with the approval of the Board of Directors, we revised the "Environmental Action Program 2030" to clearly define our contribution to a nature-positive world through continued and expanded efforts to avoid biodiversity loss and to conserve and restore ecosystems.

1. Action on climate change

We aim for net-zero carbon emissions by FY2050, approaching the CO2 absorption and fixation by forests through forest conservation and plantation, a business transformation, thoroughgoing energy savings on manufacturing and transportation operations, and increasing usage of renewable energy.

  • 1)Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
    At least 70% reduction by FY2030 compared to FY2018* (At least 75% reduction by FY2030 compared to FY1990*)
    • *Including CO2 absorption and fixation by forests
    1. Increasing the CO2 absorption and fixation by forests through investment in forest conservation and plantation,
      • Expansion overseas forest plantation area of 400,000 ha (Achieved 250,000 ha in FY2019).
      • CO2 absorption and fixation of at least 170 million tons (Achieved 121 million tons in FY2019).
    2. Improving in energy efficiency
      • Energy consumption intensity at least 1% per year for the 5-year average.
    3. Increasing in the usage of renewable energy
      • Renewable energy usage rate of at least 60% through reduction of coal consumption.
  • 2)Reduction of GHG emissions by collaboration with suppliers and other business partners
    • Promotion of reduction of GHG emissions through introducing vessel transportation with energy-saving function

2. Abundant forests creation and biodiversity conservation

We will contribute to a nature-positive world by promoting sustainable forest management to enhance the multi-faceted functions of forests, and by continuing and expanding efforts to conserve and restore ecosystems.

  • 1)Abundant forests creation
    1. Sustainable Forest Management
      • 100% forest certification acquisition rate and expansion of certified products
  • 2)Biodiversity conservation
    • Identification of material dependencies and impacts on nature in our operations and value chain, and avoidance of biodiversity loss through our business activities with consideration for ecosystems.
    • Protection and nurture of rare plants and animals, and conservation and restoration of ecosystems, in cooperation with local communities, including indigenous peoples, and environmental NPOs.
    • Promotion of the research and development of environmentally friendly paper packaging products and biodegradable/biomass materials to prevent plastic pollution.

3. Resource recycling and reduction of environmental impact

We will reduce our use of resources by promoting conservation and recycling, and endlessly challenge ourselves to achieve zero environmental impact.

  • 1)Resource recycling
    1. Improving an effective waste utilization rate
      • Japan: At least 99%, Overseas: At least 95%
    2. Increasing a recovered paper utilization ratio
      • Japan: At least 70%
    3. Reduction of water intake intensity
      • Reduction of at least 6% compared to FY2018
    4. Expansion of water treatment infrastructure and technology services
  • 2)Challenge for zero environmental impact
    1. Purification of wastewater and exhaust gas
      • Wastewater:BOD, COD, SS intensities
        15% reduction compared to FY2018
      • Exhaust gas:SOX emission intensity
        15% reduction compared to FY2018
      • Reduction of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
        Maintenance of VOC emission intensity at half FY2010 level or lower
        (FY2010 result 0.61kg/million yen)

4. Development of trusting relationships with our stakeholders

We will expand procurement that considers the environment and society, manufacture products that contribute to decarbonized society, and conduct business activities in compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

  • 1)Responsible raw material procurement and manufacturing
    • Procurement and manufacturing that consider an environment and society under compliance with laws and regulations through independent audits and supplier risk assessments.
  • 2)Expansion of products that contribute to a decarbonized society
    • Development and expansion of lightweight packaging materials and plastic alternatives
  • 3)Zero environment accidents and zero product liability accidents